Inspire Families
Evangelization begins in the home.
Parents, “by word and example, are the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children” (Lumen Gentium, no. 11) Not only are parents the “first heralds”, but they are the primary educators of the faith to their children. No other person has as much positive influence over their children’s’ life of faith as their parents. When parents vibrantly live their faith with confidence and trust, their children learn to hope and trust in God through their example. Parents teach their children to live virtuous lives by modeling the virtuous behavior, and when they fall short parents can help the children understand mercy by seeking mercy themselves from God and those they have hurt.
As families of faith we must continue to foster home environments of vibrant faith, generous hospitality, and loving service to one another. Families are uniquely qualified to be evangelizers to those family members, neighbors, and friends who have fallen away from faith. We must always be ready and willing to “give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” (1 Pt 3:15).

“The new evangelization depends largely on the domestic church. The family is essential, because discipleship that bears witness to others in love begins at home.” - Pope Benedict XVI

Educating families on their importance
The HUMANUM series
The Vatican held an international and interreligious colloquium on men, women, and marriage called “Humanum” in 2014. Over 350 participants, including representatives from 14 religious traditions and 23 countries, united to uphold the irreducible value of marriage and sexual difference and complementarity.
As part of the Humanum conference, Ecce films produced six short videos on marriage and the family. Filmed around the world and containing interviews with people like Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Peter Kreeft, and N.T. Wright, the films display timeless truths in extraordinary ways.